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Privacy Policy

We do track incoming and outgoing traffic in our website to seek performance and growth on the website. We do understand people do not want to be tracked based on this and because of GDPR in Europe, ALL European visitors have the entitlement to ask us to blacklist their IP Address for them to not be tracked on the site due to these laws.

For American viewers, we will continue to track to seek conversions, rates and improvements on the websites to better strategize what we can do best for our customers.

If you are a user on the website, please do understand that we do look into what is coming in and out of the website based on ads. We have to authorize ads before they go public and we modify based on payment and metrics based on the are you live in. Based on our rules here, we do not allow pornographic / hook up language on this site and if you do not follow these rules, you will be removed, reported to the authorities should it be a serious offense and your ads will be booted off of the site with absolutely no chance of a refund.

Please respect our rules and we will respect your membership here! That is all we ask. And please do understand that we do follow the most recent strategies to improve your business and ours.

Thanks and enjoy!

JSS Team
